get marigolds...
a marigold flower farm in Ithaca, NY
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about the grower:
Caitlin Mathes is a marigold monger.
A maker, performer, librarian, agrarian.
She is passionate about creating and sharing in all types of ways. Thank you for visiting the site and for your interest in marigolds!
about the farm:
The Marigold Gardens is a new flower farm, with only one crop... MARIGOLDS! The marigold has given me so much joy and inspiration that I felt the need to become a grower, steward, advocate, and cheerleader for this wonderful flower. It is high time marigolds had their praises sung and I look forward to growing The Marigold Gardens into a beautiful destination for all things marigold.
What we offer...
All orders are customizable, and payable via cash, venmo, or square. If you are imagining a project that involves marigolds, please reach out and I will try and help make your idea happen!